Monday, August 20, 2012

My One Question...

So today at work I was talking to this over weight couple about buying a fuel band. I was telling them how it is such a great tool for motivation and creates a drive that most people have been missing. I told them about my journey and how the fuel band is one of the tools that has helped me during my journey. The one question the lady asked me was what made me jump start this journey. What was the spark that caused me to change what I have been for years. At first I just started to tell her that working for Nike really motivates you and makes you wanna be healthy and more athletic.  Especially when there are people there that can run 6 minute miles, and people that go play basketball everyday. She smiled and said "yeah that can do it, that would get me up and going." I laughed and smiled and then sold them a fuel band. I hope they use it and see results. Even if they dont change their diets, and try to lose weight. I just want them to give walking a chance. To just go out and hit the pavement of their neighborhood. Even if it is only for 30 minutes it is something.

But I have to say that the question she asked me has still be running through my head all day long. I mean did I start all this because of someone I love. Did I do it because I was tired of being a joke with my friends. Did I do it to motivate other obese people to change. I keep asking myself this question. And then I ask why now, why am I starting this now, so late in the game. And I honestly dont know why. I can assume I know, but I dont. Its killing me that I can answer this question. I mean I can sit here and say I want a healthier life. I wanna be athletic for my future kids. I wanna be an example that it can be done, if you just try. I really dont know. So why I dont know. Maybe it will come to me soon, cause if not it is just gonna rattle around in my brain and drive me crazy......

Gonzo out...

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