Thursday, July 12, 2012

I am tired of being FAT.................... My name is Mike Gonzales and I am fat, I have been this way for about 3/4 of my life. Let me tell you it has not been fun. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever broken a sweat or got winded trying to tie your shoe? Are you scared to get on a airplane, cause you are afraid you will have to ask for a seat belt extender? Have you ever gone to a sporting event and left with bruises on your outer thighs, because you cant fit in the seats?  Do you laugh when your friends make jokes about you being fat, because it easier to laugh than cry?Well let me tell you something I HAVE, and believe you me it is no way to live your life. It is actually really sad, and people don't realize how hard life is when you are fat. Now understand me on this I am not looking for a pity party, but to inform people what it is like to be fat. People say " I don't know how you have let yourself go like you have". Its easy, when you are fat you stop caring, you lose all sense of a drive to be a better person. People say fat people are lazy, we aren't lazy we just aren't happy. And when you aren't happy you have no pride in yourself so you don't do anything about it. As a fat person I can tell you that when you do not have pride in yourself, you dont believe that you can ever change yourself. You believe that you will gain nothing from going out and working out or changing the way you eat. I still believe this sometimes, even though I am working out more and more. I believe that I will never have the pride in myself that I once had. I dont know how I will ever regain that but I have to try.....

I am starting this blog because I need somewhere to talk about what I am going through. Maybe to get  people to get behind me in my journey to change my life. Maybe it will help inspire other people that are tired of being fat to change. I will start by saying I AM FAT... and I know deep down I am not happy. Five months ago I weighed in at 380 lbs. The most I have ever weighed. I was wearing a 54 inch waist and should have been wearing 3XL-4XL shirts. But when you are fat you try to squeeze into a 52 inch waist and 2XL shirts, some reason in our minds it fits; but in the eyes of others it is just a fat person wearing sizes to small. As of now I am weighing in at 315lbs and wearing a 48 inch waist. I AM Fat

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